Land of Destiny

gepostet vor 16 Jahre, 10 Monate von BasTijs
LoD - Land of Destiny -
(Sorry" target="_blank">
(Sorry but I'm poor in german, so ill post in english. We are looking for german members who like to help developing the game/think out game concepts or help with translating news into german for sites like galaxy-news. LoD is being developed as a hobby by me If you are interested post on our forum or reply in here. I can read a bit german but thats it.)
gepostet vor 16 Jahre, 10 Monate von StormtrooperThompson
Looks very interesting
gepostet vor 16 Jahre, 10 Monate von BasTijs
Today the new version of the alpha went live, it includes a new building construction system similar to the single player game the settlers 2 (die siedler 2). You can build new building at the location you want depending on the size of the building (woodcutter = small, farm = large)
You can sign up on our website and please state you're from galaxy-new (with name if possible). Im still selecting new testers, so if someone likes to test
gepostet vor 16 Jahre, 10 Monate von schnitter
Die Siedler 2!
Sounds - fantastic
If I only had the time. But wait another three weeks and my A-levels are over.
Keep us informed about the project, sounds really good (I love the settlers 2 )
gepostet vor 16 Jahre, 10 Monate von BasTijs
The buildings and the production system is also similar to die siedler 2, here are our buildings: Building tree
Here is a sneak preview of the construction locations: New build system
gepostet vor 16 Jahre, 10 Monate von n26
i've already signed in but I think I doesn't state that I am from GN. My Nickname is the same: n26
gepostet vor 16 Jahre, 10 Monate von None
In "former day" I enjoyed "Siedler 2 - Gold Edition" through days and nights. It's still one of my favorite games and I hope, you keep in touch with the idea of implementing aspects from that game.
gepostet vor 16 Jahre, 10 Monate von BasTijs
n26 I've added you. You should get a mail but im having problem with hotmail/yahoo so might be in the junk or just login the game and go to alpha.
The game is still far from finished so if you got suggestion on which features I should implement please let me know
I guess it will still take around half a year until the game can go open beta.
gepostet vor 16 Jahre, 10 Monate von n26
thanks. I love the settlers 2 so i think I'll love your game too
If I have some suggestions, and I think I'll have some, I'll tell you
gepostet vor 16 Jahre, 10 Monate von BasTijs
anyone willing to translate my english game description ( to german so I can add my game to the german galaxy news?
gepostet vor 16 Jahre, 10 Monate von StormtrooperThompson
Spiele--->Spiel eintragen
gepostet vor 16 Jahre, 10 Monate von BasTijs
Ye, that I can understand but I need a description of my game in german
gepostet vor 16 Jahre, 10 Monate von Kallisti
Land of Destiny (LoD) is currently under development. We just release the main community portal for the game. This portal will be used to share information about the state of the game with the public.
The game is currently in alpha phase which means only a few options are available. In the following weeks we will launch the alpha server and start inviting people.
The game is a strategy type browser game with some RPG elements, like visiting cities and fighting in the arena with your hero. The main objective in the game is to expand your kingdom and become the most powerfull hero. The game uses an advanced production system, for example you have to gather coal and iron ore which can be melted into iron. After that you can use the iron in combination with wood to produce tools.
More of these cool features will be tested in the alpha version of the game. We are still in the beginning of the development phase so we hope to get some good feedback from the public which will result in even more cool options!
See you in LoD soon!

/* Roughly translated (not 1:1, but close to the original, no polished phrases): */
Land of Destiny (LoD) befindet sich derzeit in der Entwicklung. Wir haben erst kürzlich das Haupt Community Portal für das Spiel veröffentlicht, welches dafür genutzt werden soll Informationen über den Status des Spiels mit der Öffentlichkeit zu teilen.
Das Spiel befindet sich momentan in der Alpha Phase, was bedeutet, dass nur wenige Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung stehen. In den folgenden Wochen werden wir die Alpha Server starten und damit beginnen Leute einzuladen.
Das Spiel ist ein Strategie Browserspiel mit einigen Rollenspiel Elementen, wie beispielsweise dem Besuch von Städten und dem Kämpfen in der Arena mit seinem Helden. Das Hauptziel des Spiels ist es, sein Königreich zu vergrößen und der mächtigste Held zu werden. Das Spiel nutzt ein fortschrittliches Produktionssystem. Beispielsweise muss man Kohle und Eisenerz sammeln, um diese zu Eisen zu schmelzen. Später kann man dann das Eisen in Kombination mit Holz nutzen, um Werkzeuge herzustellen.
Weitere dieser coolen Features werden in der Alpha Version des Spiels getestet. Wir sind noch immer am Anfang der Entwicklung und hoffen einige gute Rückmeldungen von der Öffentlichkeit zu bekommen, die dafür sorgen, dass sich noch viel coolere Möglichkeiten ergeben.
Wir sehen uns bald in LoD!
Achtung: Das Spiel ist bisher nur auf Englisch verfügbar und nicht auf Deutsch.
Attention: So far, the game has only been released in english language and does not contain german language as an option.
/* comment: I added a paragraph which tells the reader that the game is only english, have fun */
gepostet vor 16 Jahre, 10 Monate von BasTijs
Thanks alot for helping me

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