GGOAL - first Strategic Soccer Game Online

gepostet vor 14 Jahre, 1 Monat von GGOAL

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I would like to show you GGOAL, the new on-line multiplayer football game at the following web site

GGOAL is a Tactic/Strategic game browser where different players can have a real challenge on a sort of soccer chessboard.

The main feature of GGOAL is the appropriate management of the on-field players. It is possible to move your own players, to make them run, to make them pass the ball or carry out some tackles and naturally to make them kick and score a goal!

The game is a multiplayer one and the user has a team made up by himself/herself and other 5 players that he/she can move. Therefore, the user is at the same time a player and the trainer.

GGOAL is a new, user-friendly and original game.


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